National Back to Church Sunday is a call to action and invitation – action for the church, invitation for the world.
A single-day event focused on extending the invitation of love, peace, and hope to our friends and neighbors.
National Back to Church Sunday began in 2009 as way to encourage congregations to invite their friends, neighbors and coworkers to come back to church, or try church for the first time.
Each September since then, we have set aside the third Sunday in September as the day to encourage everyone to attend church. Churches around the world are working to create a welcoming, inviting environment for those coming back to church.
Incredibly, since 2009, more 40,000 churches have participated and the movement continues to grow.
Now, more than ever, people need Jesus and a caring community where they can belong, grow and flourish.
This year we would love for you to join First Christian Church Cocoa Beach on Sunday September 17th at 10:30AM as we strive to introduce our community to Jesus so they can experience His hope and reconnect with others during National Back To Church Sunday!
It’s time to LOVE again, SERVE again, and HOPE again.